All about me

 I am a 28 year old South African who has recently moved to England, and although this is not an odd occurance, it is all completely new for me! Having never left S.A before, or been on a flight longer than 3 hours, it has been a great adventure so far.
I embarked on this adventure with my husband (happily married since 2007), and I felt I wanted to write down my experiences on our little journey so as not to forget this chapter in our lives (hence this blog): anything from public transport to the unpredictable I hope you enjoy my thoughts, however random they may be!!
I love to write; I'm not sure how good I am at it, but it makes me happy anyway. I love reading and will be reviewing the books I read from time to time.
My joys in life are my husband, family, friends and God. I don't cook but I love good food (usually made by my hubby), I love music that makes me happy (music that makes you want to dance is even better),jogging....I shouldn't lie....waliking in the park,long chats and a really good laugh!!!!!!!I think book clubs should be more about the wine and friends than about the books; and I think that you should find one thing in each day that made you smile:)
Anyway...enough about me, hope you enjoy my blog, even if it was just a pleasant distraction for a couple of minutes.

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