Monday 18 July 2011

Follow your dreams

As I write this I am sitting on the second floor of the Waterstones book shop, drinking coffee at my window seat, looking down at the people in the street near Trafalgar square. I feel like a writer.
 I have a romantic idea about novel writers; how they sit in cafes with their laptops, a cup of coffee cooling on the table next to them, fingers poised over the keyboard ready to record the ideas that may be the next bestseller. I have no idea if this is actually what the life of a writer is like, but it sounds pleasant; and if I were a writer this coffee shop would be my office.
Unfortunately I am not a full time writer. In fact I am not even a part time writer; you would have to get paid for it to qualify I’m sure. But my blog did lead to a new career for me.
I received an email advertising a position that required someone “with natural talent for writing.” As I have said before, I love writing but have no idea if I am actually any good at it. But I thought, “What the hell,” and sent in my C.V with a link to my blog. Thankfully I got an interview. And consequently I was offered the job! I start in two weeks and am beyond excited. It just goes to show that you never know unless you try. People often give up as they think they don’t even stand a chance. But you just never know. I also learnt that if you start doing something you are passionate about, opportunities will start to open up to you. I am always inspired by people I meet that are in their 30’s or 40’s that have chosen a dramatic career change. It is never too late to follow your dreams!
There is a white haired gentleman with glasses sitting near me. His laptop is sitting on the table as he sips his cappuccino and taps away on his keyboard. He has been here for ages. It looks like this coffee shop already has its resident author. But there is no reason why we can’t share is there?


  1. Congratulations on your new job! That's so very exciting! I wish you all the best. Your blog shows your talent in writing, keep on writing :)

  2. Well done Hun. Very few ppl do what they love, especially so young. Keep me up to speed with everything please



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