Monday 4 July 2011

Body Revolution

There is a difference between a woman who complains that she is “fat” simply to get a compliment out of someone (because she knows she isn’t); and a woman who genuinely sees a distorted image of herself when she looks in the mirror.

I met a beautiful Italian girl not so long ago who obviously hated what she saw. Nothing I said could break through this mental fortress that she had constructed around herself that told her she was overweight and unattractive. What was worse is that she can’t remember a time she wasn’t on a diet!

How constricting it must feel to be on a diet your entire life.

I wish we could start a body revolution that declares women stop hating their bodies and start enjoying them. We only get the one body; we can’t exchange it (I know, I've tried; but apparently the Almighty doesn't do that sort of thing.) and we shouldn’t take it for granted. I always love the line from the Sunscreen song that says:

“Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it,

or what other people think of it,

it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..”

There is a lot of great advice in that song……..

I really am preaching to myself here more than anyone else. I have more “fat” days than not. But from today I am going to start my own little body revolution and believe that, in the words of Baz Luhrmann, “….You’re not as fat as you imagine.”

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