Thursday 30 June 2011

Flat Stanley visits England

My darling little cousin sent me a letter in the post; well I say “little” but at 10 years old she is slightly taller than me, and is endlessly thrilled at the fact that my size 4 shoes fit her perfectly. With straight blonde hair, glasses and a lisp she looks like an adorable character in a children’s book. She has expressed her desire to become an author actually and has even started writing a book; but I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes a scientist, the little genius that she is. But I, quite obviously, digress……
She was being taught at school about writing letters. The project was to send a letter to someone you knew along with Flat Stanley and have them take pictures of him in interesting locations; and then to send him back. My mother told me that I would be receiving Flat Stanley; and, bless her, she doesn’t explain things very well. I had visions of assembling a giant cardboard man and carting him around the streets of London; posing for the most embarrassing photos of my life! I was also worried about not being home to receive the giant package as it would obviously not fit through the mail slot. I was relieved to find a small white envelope waiting for me at home; with a hand written letter from my cousin and a small paper man folded up inside (Thank God, I thought to myself). She had coloured him in and Emily was written neatly on his leg. Written on his other leg was Only after my own Stanley adventure did I bother looking at the site. I am ashamed to say that my pictures are not as impressive as some others. People have actual celebrities posing with the paper cut out! I only had a tour guide dressed up in Edwardian style clothes (though I am still proud of that…). Some people have Mohammed Ali, Doctor Phil and Clint Eastwood holding Flat Stanley. I do think though that a kid asking you to hold a paper man and pose for a picture in the name of education is far more charming than a 28 year old woman.
I embarrass easily and people seeing me in front of tourist attractions with Stanley made me a little uneasy. My husband and I got quite good at taking the picture without anyone actually seeing. I would stand in front of our chosen location and hold him wrapped up in my hand. My husband would line up the photo, make sure I was positioned correctly, and shout “Now!” I would unwrap him swiftly, smile, the camera would click; and I would fold him up and walk away, no one having seen a thing. I would sound very secret agent as I asked my husband each time, “Did you get it?”
We did have fun trying to position him in the photos on his own; although this was done with care as we nearly tragically lost him to a strong gust of wind.
I really got into the project though and wrote a report for her and everything! I collected pamphlets of all the places we visited for her poster that she will present to the class. I felt like I was in school again. I just hope we get a good mark!

Stanley and the Edwardian tour guide

Stanley in the first ever Methodist Church in the world!
Stanley and my finger outside Bristol Cathedral
Stanley at.....well isn't it obvious
Stanley and me at a graffiti gallery

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