Sunday 5 June 2011

Twitter, Tweets and Twitpics?????

I have recently started tweeting. I am admittedly a late comer to this twittering phenomenon, mostly because I thought it was a ridiculous idea and a waste of time. I find some peoples face book updates a little arduous at times; do I really care who you are now friends with, what page you like or that you just had the best latte ever? No not really. (This has yet to stop me, however, from spending hours at a time on facebook, adding my own inane commentary).  So a format that was mostly continuous status updates sounded irritating and pointless. But I succumbed; I’m weak, I have no willpower and I was curious.

It is a little daunting at first and I didn’t know where to start or what the lingo meant. I couldn’t write directly on someone’s wall and had no idea what hash tags were for! What I found most difficult was finding something to tweet. I like to choose my words carefully and couldn’t believe that anyone cared where I was going, what movie I had seen or that I had just had the best latte ever!

But I eventually – and after much research- dived right in and can conclude that it is a little addictive. People are actually saying interesting things, with interesting links and interesting opinions. It is an influential networking device which keeps me up to date with what’s going on in the world.

I even have followers. It makes you feel strangely powerful and important having followers; like the leader of an obscure and ineffectual cult. I find that following others can stir within me feelings of envy as some people have 20000 followers and I only have 7; one being my husband and the others companies that wish to attain business from me. It makes me feel like a looser, dashing all my hopes of ever leading a successful cult.

Nevertheless I love it; it’s fascinating and fun and I am a devoted twittee!!!!

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