Sunday 12 June 2011

Fab Sites!

As I have mentioned before I love the internet and the fact that you can ask the almighty Google any question you have ever wondered and have it answered in seconds. I spend a lot of time on my laptop. I love browsing the web to find interesting websites or fellow bloggers. I recently discovered two such sites that I wanted to share with you. Adios Barbie is a body image site that encourages everyone to disregard narrow beauty standards and embrace a healthier and more confident outlook to life and their body image. They have insightful articles on cosmetic surgery, cultural differences, body confidence and sexual harassment, amongst others. 

It is no secret that I love being married. It’s a lot of fun actually. I enjoy meeting couples who have been married 20, 40, 50 years, who are still enjoying it. It encourages me. Especially in this present age when divorce, affairs and super injunctions are so rampant. So it was particularly delightful to find The Happy Wives Club. Fawn Weaver believes the media has shown marriage in an often negative light and it is her mission to change that and so she started the Happy Wives Club website as a place for wives to get some tips, encouragement and to simply tell people that you can actually be happily married. 


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