Wednesday 1 June 2011

Flash Dance

I have come to the conclusion that everyone secretly wishes they lived in a musical. You may disagree, but next time you are caught in a flash mob sing-a-long; accompanied by easy to follow dance moves, have a look around you and you will notice everyone is smiling; some may even be bopping to the beat, wanting to join in. People love it! I feel breaking into song in the middle of the day would make us all happier people! A collective song and dance on the tube ride home would be fun…
I saw my first flash mob in Trafalgar Square a couple of days ago; complete with trumpet players and everything. It was great fun to be caught by surprise by the sudden music traveling along the Square; everyone wondering what’s happening. And you guessed it; a camera was at the ready! Also included my favourite flash mob from YouTube. Just try stop yourself from singing along!

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