Wednesday 27 April 2011

No Fear

I went for a walk in Clapham Common today….just because I can. An hour and a half walk….just because I can! I don’t like to run my country of birth down, but there is something so freeing in the fact that I can go for a walk on my own without any fear. I will be the first to say that life in London isn’t necessarily better, it’s just different. Like being able to go for fear free strolls. And public transport. Getting used to public transport has been fun.
My favourite comedian, Michael McIntyre, does a stand-up skit about tube transportation in London, in particular telling of a commuter who, in desperation to get onto the carriage, took numerous hits by the closing doors before squeezing his way onto an already full train. Hilarious stuff. Even more hilarious when you actually witness it in person. How desperate are you to get onto the carriage? Being late for work I can tell you that you can be extremely desperate. As you stand on the platform and edge closer to the front of the crowd; you secretly declare that no matter what, you ARE getting on the next tube. Once you have crammed on, safe in the knowledge that no one else could POSSIBLY fit in; the train stops at the next station and another 3 people push their way in; having probably made the same declaration as you.
One such morning I was on the Northern line; inappropriately invading several commuters’ personal space next to me. Even more people boarded at the next station, taking mine and my neighbors relationship to the next level. At the stop just before mine my lunch packet took a brutal beating as several people pushed their way past me to exit. One lady decided she had enjoyed me in her personal space and wanted to take my arm with her. I was flattered, but I declined and retrieved my arm with my now torn lunch packet. And even more people had boarded the train. Next station was my stop. I turned toward the door announcing to those around me that I planned to get off soon. They didn’t seem to notice. In fact when the doors opened and I even said “Excuse me” no one noticed. Panic set in. I was already at risk of being late for work and didn’t want the doors closing and having to make my way back from the next station. So I did what every other Londoner does. I pushed….aggressively.
I made it to work on time, but have now developed an intense dislike for the Northern Line. And I lost my yogurt.
I took the bus home.

Speaking of living in no fear; I just let a very cute little man in the flat who wanted to check our boiler. I’m not alone in the house, so if I go down my oblivious flat mate is going down with me. He had a round face, and a lisp; how bad could he be? And he has all the genuine boiler gadgets, and definitely seemed to be doing boiler specific things. Aright I’ll admit that letting strange men into the flat is not a good idea, and maybe next time I should first ask for some boiler-man credentials. The lisp must have thrown me off….

Tuesday 26 April 2011

So far.....

It has been 6 months since we arrived in the UK! And I am continually happy that we made the decision to move! What an adventure it has been.
I have honestly never been happier, and have the overwhelming feeling that I have secretly always been British. There is a reason they call it “Great” Britain after all. It really is great here. But the best thing is the change in my outlook on life. I am working in retail (which I usually hate), working long hours (I used to throw numerous pity festivities about the fact that I had to work till 6pm, & how dreadfully unfair life was), sharing a flat with 3 other people and living in a tiny room……but I couldn’t be more happy. The word “content” comes to mind; and I have never been content before. Coming over with next to nothing makes you appreciate what you’ve got! God seemed to place a step in front of us just in time, just when we needed it. Thank you so much to each person who helped us in any way in those first few scary months(you know who you are!) I feel like I am REALLY living life and I am enjoying every moment. Even the small moments; like going to work in One New Change and seeing St Paul’s Cathedral across the street(BEAUTIFUL). Or walking through Clapham Common on a sunny afternoon, ending the day with dinner along the Thames and a cupcake with my hubby from Hummingbird Bakery. (And I’ve done all these things!!!!!!) 
I’ve learnt to just go with it; appreciate what you’ve got and enjoy what the day has in store for you. It is a far less stressed way to live.
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