Tuesday 26 April 2011

So far.....

It has been 6 months since we arrived in the UK! And I am continually happy that we made the decision to move! What an adventure it has been.
I have honestly never been happier, and have the overwhelming feeling that I have secretly always been British. There is a reason they call it “Great” Britain after all. It really is great here. But the best thing is the change in my outlook on life. I am working in retail (which I usually hate), working long hours (I used to throw numerous pity festivities about the fact that I had to work till 6pm, & how dreadfully unfair life was), sharing a flat with 3 other people and living in a tiny room……but I couldn’t be more happy. The word “content” comes to mind; and I have never been content before. Coming over with next to nothing makes you appreciate what you’ve got! God seemed to place a step in front of us just in time, just when we needed it. Thank you so much to each person who helped us in any way in those first few scary months(you know who you are!) I feel like I am REALLY living life and I am enjoying every moment. Even the small moments; like going to work in One New Change and seeing St Paul’s Cathedral across the street(BEAUTIFUL). Or walking through Clapham Common on a sunny afternoon, ending the day with dinner along the Thames and a cupcake with my hubby from Hummingbird Bakery. (And I’ve done all these things!!!!!!) 
I’ve learnt to just go with it; appreciate what you’ve got and enjoy what the day has in store for you. It is a far less stressed way to live.

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