Sunday 27 November 2011

The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld

I find nothing better than a good murder mystery, especially an historical one, so I was very eager to immerse myself in the Interpretation of Murder. It is set in 1909 when Sigmund Freud went on his one and only trip to America to deliver a series of lectures on psychoanalysis; after which he described the Americans as “savages”. He always spoke in later years of this visit as if some trauma had befallen him in the United States. No-one knows for sure what happened to Freud to make him react this way. Jed Rubenfeld takes this historical fact and creates a scenario where Freud’s visit coincides with a mysterious murder. The second victim manages to survive and Dr Younger, a Freud devotee, is asked by Sigmund Freud to help the second victim regain her memory after the attack by using Freud’s techniques. Jed has moved some historical details around as he explains in the author’s note but I loved his attention to detail, especially the description of the privileged upper class New York socialites and the strained relationship between Freud and his then disciple Carl Jung. I found it compelling and a real ‘who dunnit’ which kept me guessing all the way through and  found it a fascinating portrayal of the New York of 1909 and an excellent debut novel by Rubenfeld.

Sunday 20 November 2011

A hard day at the office

I work in a particularly British office. And by that I mean that we have at least 4 cups of tea a day. Which is fantastic since I love a nice cup of tea (anyone who had read 1 of my previous posts would know it has been inbred in me) but the only problem is that, being an all female office there is usually some kind of chocolate, pastry or biscuit type treat. It is no surprise that I have put on a little weight. I had to go up a pants (or trousers, depending where you're reading this from) size. One morning whilst getting dressed I did the customary sucking in of appropriate body parts to do up my button. It was when I exhaled and the button popped off that I thought some exercise was in order. In hind sight I shouldn't have been trying to squeeze into pants that were obviously too tight, but this kind of wisdom only comes with experience.
I have since begun walking the half hour (depending on the size of your legs) journey to the train station in the morning. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment before I start my day. And since the bus I used to catch was so rare it was on the verge of becoming an endangered species, I get to the station at around the same time anyway, I just spend less time waiting in the morning and more time doing. I have also practiced saying NO so I am not tempted by tea time treats. But there are mince pies in the office, and it is nearly Christmas, so maybe I'll just have one.

Friday 18 November 2011

It's been a little while

It irks me when a blog entry begins with an apology by the blogee for not blogging in a while; so it pains me to say...
Sorry you few and faithful readers, but I haven't blogged in a while.
But I have a good excuse, it was my birthday! And I *gasp* turned 29. The last year of my 20's is sadly upon me. I remember being 16 when I could barely wait to turn 20. The 27 plus people I knew seemed so cool and sophisticated and looked like they had their lives all figured out. I should have asked them as I'm sure it wasn't the case; as I, in my late 20's, feel no cooler, I am definitely not sophisticated and I am a long way from having my life all figured out. Nevertheless, the dreaded 30 is still an entire year away. I have heard the 30’s club is not so bad, but I have 362 days until I have to think about that.

And I wonder if young impressionable teens now look at me and think how cool and sophisticated I am. But somehow I find that very unlikely.

Anyway Happy Birthday to me!

Monday 7 November 2011

Beautiful Bride

As I have mentioned before, one of the things I love about my husbands career, is that I get to see the photo's before anyone else does; and this is especially true when he photographs a wedding. What girl doesn't love looking at wedding photo's. The wedding he went to shoot in South Africa recently was no exception. It looked like such a fun wedding, and the bride looked gorgeous. These were some of my favourites

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