Sunday 20 November 2011

A hard day at the office

I work in a particularly British office. And by that I mean that we have at least 4 cups of tea a day. Which is fantastic since I love a nice cup of tea (anyone who had read 1 of my previous posts would know it has been inbred in me) but the only problem is that, being an all female office there is usually some kind of chocolate, pastry or biscuit type treat. It is no surprise that I have put on a little weight. I had to go up a pants (or trousers, depending where you're reading this from) size. One morning whilst getting dressed I did the customary sucking in of appropriate body parts to do up my button. It was when I exhaled and the button popped off that I thought some exercise was in order. In hind sight I shouldn't have been trying to squeeze into pants that were obviously too tight, but this kind of wisdom only comes with experience.
I have since begun walking the half hour (depending on the size of your legs) journey to the train station in the morning. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment before I start my day. And since the bus I used to catch was so rare it was on the verge of becoming an endangered species, I get to the station at around the same time anyway, I just spend less time waiting in the morning and more time doing. I have also practiced saying NO so I am not tempted by tea time treats. But there are mince pies in the office, and it is nearly Christmas, so maybe I'll just have one.

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