Friday 18 November 2011

It's been a little while

It irks me when a blog entry begins with an apology by the blogee for not blogging in a while; so it pains me to say...
Sorry you few and faithful readers, but I haven't blogged in a while.
But I have a good excuse, it was my birthday! And I *gasp* turned 29. The last year of my 20's is sadly upon me. I remember being 16 when I could barely wait to turn 20. The 27 plus people I knew seemed so cool and sophisticated and looked like they had their lives all figured out. I should have asked them as I'm sure it wasn't the case; as I, in my late 20's, feel no cooler, I am definitely not sophisticated and I am a long way from having my life all figured out. Nevertheless, the dreaded 30 is still an entire year away. I have heard the 30’s club is not so bad, but I have 362 days until I have to think about that.

And I wonder if young impressionable teens now look at me and think how cool and sophisticated I am. But somehow I find that very unlikely.

Anyway Happy Birthday to me!

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