Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas is the one time of year you get to feel like a kid again. I was so excited last night that I almost wanted to open all the presents and had to try restrain myself. The only difference being that I wasn’t actually excited about opening my own gifts but couldn’t wait for my husband to open all the presents I had brought for him. It must be a sign that I am growing up. It was our first Christmas on our own. London tends to completely shut down on Christmas day leaving those with no transport a little stranded, which also means a mass exodus on Christmas Eve. This meant that Will and I had the choice of spending £30 or more on a taxi to get to friends, or spending Christmas at home, just the two of us. You know that you’ve married the right person when Christmas is just as special with just a two person family.
We went for a walk before lunch and had the pleasure of seeing all the children’s new Christmas presents being taken out for a spin. There were new bikes, roller skates and remote control cars being played with in the park. Although the little girl with the roller skates was not so much as skating, as being held up by her father and pushed along.
According to the Christmas check list it has been a rather successful Christmas day.
There were awesome presents
Mince pies and plenty of drink
And I have eaten so much food I can barely move.
Now for an afternoon nap and Christmas will be complete.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

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