Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

January is full of healthier, fitter and more active people. The gyms can barely fit any more people on their premises, personal trainers are in high demand, and vegetable sales go up as people swear that this year I will stick to my diet, I will eat healthier foods, I will exercise more and this year I will actually keep to my new year’s resolutions!
As creatures of habit this is a ritual we like to perform every year. We make New Year’s resolutions and we claim that this year will be different and we will actually stick to them. But come February you can actually get a spot on the exercise bike at the gym, you unfortunately started smoking again and you can’t remember the last time you had a home cooked meal. For this very reason I am not usually one for New Year’s resolutions; however this year will be different.
I am a notorious home-body. A perfect evening for me is watching a movie snuggled under a duvet with my hot water bottle and a cup of tea. That is why my new year’s resolution is to go out more and if given the choice of a night in or an evening out; I will from now on kick off my slippers and don that glittery eye-shadow in favour of a fun filled night out for a few drinks. The only problem is that my husband, who loves going out, is now aware of this resolution, and will unfortunately hold me to this if I try to revert to my familiar ways. Maybe I will be safer not making any resolutions; but who knows, maybe this year will be different.
What I do like about the New Year is the opportunity for a fresh start, which is the reason for the new look blog. Hope you like! And Happy New Year!!!

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