Saturday 18 February 2012

Fleeting Obsession

Every now and then there is a song that comes along that you love the instant you hear it; you immediately want to share it with all you know. It stirs and inspires you and makes you wish it was longer than its 4:03 minutes.
When I hear a song or watch a show that I love I literally become obsessed until the song/movie has died a slow horrible death and I can never listen or watch it again. It probably isn’t the greatest approach but I can’t help myself. I recently discovered New Girl, a TV series starring Zooey Deschanel and have watched back to back episodes for most of my Saturday. I’ll probably rush my way through the whole series and then moan that I have to wait for the nest season to start instead of pacing myself and making the show last a little longer than one day. I have also listened to the song, Somebody That You Used to Know by Gotye continuously for the last 3 days and will probably not want to hear it ever again in a couple of days. I become hugely obsessive and then very bored very quickly with everything from food to ideas and hobbies. My husband says he is just waiting for me to announce that I have grown bored of him, but I think he is the one thing I will never get bored of.
Thought I’d share my favourite song (for now) with you. It’s a great cover by Walk off the Earth. Enjoy!!


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