Sunday 12 February 2012

Just a usual journey home....(& some policemen)

After my brush with the police, and as I said previously, I have a new found fondness for the British Police. My new favourite programs are the reality shows about the English police forces. So I was quite excited with my brief encounter with the police on my way home the other night.
I got on my usual bus and noticed that even though we were all on, the bus driver was not going anywhere.
He then announced to the bus, “Excuse me, that blonde lady there. Yes, you haven’t paid for your ticket.”
A rather posh lady got up and walked to the front to pay for her ticket, announcing continuously that she had merely forgotten to pay. She then returned to her seat and rudely told another woman to get out of her seat. This poor woman looked very embarrassed and apologetically got up and moved. Another young lady kindly offered this woman her seat and I felt that there was a mutual disliking for this blonde woman by all passengers.
Eventually we were on our way, only to be pulled over by the blue flashing lights of the metro police only 2 minutes into our journey. All eyes were to the front of the bus where a police constable entered. He told the bus driver that they were looking for a blonde woman who had been seen shoplifting. At this point I’m sure we were all thinking the same thing, we knew exactly which blonde woman they were looking for. He then turned to us and asked, “Did anyone get on this bus at Battersea Rise?” We all looked around in silence, no one saying anything. He asked us again.
The bus driver spoke. “That blonde lady there got on at Battersea Rise.”
And I kid you not, the very same blonde we were all suspecting was asked to leave the bus with the policeman so they could have a quick word with her. She of course protested the whole time she was leaving, clutching her Cath Kidston bag very close to her chest.
It was rather exciting for a usual trip home from work; one slightly drunk passenger announcing to all that it was more exciting than Emmerdale!

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