Wednesday 3 August 2011

SA Trip PART 2

When I arrived in Joburg, it didn’t feel like I had left. I don’t know what I was expecting it to feel like, but when I saw my brother at the airport it felt like I had seen him just last week. It felt lovely to hug him again and I was so excited to see him. But there was no time to stand around hugging; we needed to get to the church and still needed to battle through Friday morning Joburg traffic.
I wished I could know the feeling of stepping out the plane from first or even business class; having freshened up after sleeping in a supine position. Instead I felt like I had to be unfolded from the ridiculous position I had assumed in order to fit on the impossibly small economy class seats just to get some sleep.
I needed to freshen up before the funeral and unpacked my suitcase on the back seat of my brothers car as he drove like a demon passed cars and trucks on the highway. I had to do my make up from the back while glancing in the rearview mirror and wasn’t completely certain that I wouldn’t emerge at the other end looking like a women of the evening. I’m happy to report that we made it half an hour before the funeral started. Thanks to my brothers brilliant driving I must add……
The funeral was a beautiful goodbye to my grandfather with all his family and dearest friends; but the best moment was when I saw my mom. It was awesome to hug her again! I had a fabulous 5 days in South Africa where the winter days were warmer than London (are we surprised?).
Here are some pics of my S.A trip and the absolute fun I had.

Me and my best friend

My Boys!

My mommy and me

My other best friend and her beautiful boy!

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