Wednesday 17 August 2011

Starter for Ten by David Nicholls

This is the story of Brian Jackson. He is about to start university and has the naïve idea that he can be a totally different person. With dreams of intellectual debates, poetry readings and drinking “fine vintage port out of tiny glasses while listening to Miles Davis,” Brian leaves behind his childhood friends, Spencer and Tone and sets off for his new university experience.
On his first night he meets Alice Harbinson who is, of course, out of his league; and falls totally in love. To impress her Brian joins a quiz team; which he only gets onto because one of the other contestants falls ill.
Of course things don’t go according to plan; which leads to totally embarrassing and cringe worthy scenarios; and I would actually have to put the book down for a moment to recover, all the while relating to the angst Brian is feeling (that, I’m sure, we have all experienced by simply being a teenager ). This book is laugh out loud hilarious! Brian constantly puts his foot in it and gets himself into social situations that feel like you are watching a car crash about to happen.
It is a totally enjoyable book and I will definitely be reading more from David Nicholls.

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