Thursday 25 August 2011

A Great British tradition

I am discovering the joys of one of Britain’s best loved past times….Dr Who.
It took me a while to come around, but due to a persistent husband who got all the episodes, I succumbed and have happily shared in the British institution that is Dr Who. I had never heard of the show before moving here; but I’m amused at how much it is part of the British consciousness.
In the office the other day I heard my colleague saying to someone over the phone, “You sound like a Dalek,” when referring to the bad connection. When watching a house hunting program (another much loved British past time) the presenter commented on how the house was a veritable Tardis, as it was bigger on the inside than it had seemed on the outside.
The effects are low budget, the story lines are far-fetched; Dr Who is like an intergalactic James Bond who can get himself out of any situation and save the world, but it’s fantastically enjoyable. Needless to say I am really looking forward to the start of the new series this weekend. Although I do miss David Tennant….

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