Thursday 1 September 2011

Bank Holiday Bliss

One thing I do miss about back home is the amount of public holidays we get blessed with. April is practically a right off due to all the days off work….
Britain seems to be a little more frugal with its holidays. However this does result in a heightened sense of excitement when one finally does come around. August 29th bank holiday weekend saw a huge exodus from London to relaxing country side getaways.
We decided to visit a friend in Wales. Some may remember that Wales is where we started our little adventure. It was slightly strange returning to the same house we spent those first 2 months in. The last time we were there I was stressed beyond belief; homeless, jobless and with no idea what we were going to do. It was nice to return knowing we had a home to go back to as well as my awesome new job!
We had a lovely time; we ate good food, spent time with a good friend and even visited the beach, albeit in long pants and a jersey!!!!

Here I am enjoying the lovely sea view!

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