Saturday 10 September 2011

Your mission, should you choose to accept it. . .

I had a fun evening out last night, which ended up feeling a little cloak-and-dagger. An exchange was to take place, at a certain location with an unknown contact. The ‘contact’ was to meet our friend in Wimbledon to sell him a keyboard at 8:30. As the evening progressed, and 8:30 was now a distant memory, we became more skeptical of this stranger’s intentions. He had smsed to ask if he could be met at a different location. We immediately thought this sounded a little suspicious and our friend insisted he stick to the original arrangements. By the time 10:30 rolled around, we had surmised that this man didn’t want to sell a keyboard, but might very well use Gumtree to lure his victims with the promise of shiny keyboards only to end their lives outside the Hand and Racquet in Wimbledon. When a sms finally came at 10:30 which simply read ‘I’m outside’, the boys bravely decided to go outside and investigate while the girls remained inside to keep away from the pending danger. What we were met with, to our relief, was a rather cute looking British lad with well styled hair from Southend-on-sea. And most importantly, he actually did have a keyboard to sell. He ended up staying for a drink, and telling us how he was also a little apprehensive about the meeting, expecting to be confronted by a shady character with ill intentions.
I’m glad to say that our little adventure ended quite well, with our friend totally smitten with his new toy; and no one’s lives were taken at the hands of the mysterious Gumtree killer.

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