Thursday 8 September 2011

I don’t wish ill on her, just a very irritating day. . . . .

It may seem that I have a vengeful nature, but as I said, I do not want some sort of tragedy to befall her, only a slightly more irritating day than usual; like missing her train, or stepping into a rather muddy puddle on her way to work.
Perhaps I should explain…..
My hubby and I have been casually browsing possible new places to live. Since we are not in a hurry to move I have allowed myself to be a little more fussy; and so we haven’t found anything that we love yet…that is until last night. Happy to house share, we went to meet a couple that were renting out a room in their home. Viewing a shared accommodation always feels like going for a job interview. You have half an hour to convince strangers that you’re a wonderful person with whom they would love to live. I was therefore feeling apprehensive before we met them, but my feelings were soon displaced as I walked into the house. The house was perfect, spacious with plenty of storage, clean, an easy commute to work; it even had a garden. We got on well with the couple and the place would be available in a month as that was when the other tenant would be moving out. It was all sounding so perfect. We left quite assured that the place would offered to us, and went for a celebratory dinner to McDonalds (or more accurately it was almost 8 o’clock at night, we were starving and McDonalds was right there).
At about 9pm we received an email from the landlady informing us that we would have been welcome to move in; however the current tenant had had a change of heart and wasn’t sure when, or if, she was going to move out. We would be the first to know if the situation changed.
Deflated from the news, we went to bed.
And that is why I wished said tenant a rather irritating day. However, I believe karma came knocking on my door as it was I who had the irritating day. Let’s just say that the transport system and I were not the best of friends.
And so our casual search is continuing. But I can’t help but wonder if all unsuccessful candidates were told the same story of the indecisive tenant as a way to soften the blow of rejection?
Nah……they loved us! We’re wonderful people.

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