Sunday 18 September 2011

A truly exciting journey.

My husband would probably describe me as a bit of a control freak. I like to have a plan. I like to have a plan B in case the first one doesn’t work out. I often wish that God would give me the blue print for the next 5 years or so, just so I know that everything is going to turn out ok and all my worries are unfounded. He obviously doesn’t work this way; and trusting him is sometimes the hardest thing to do. I want to sort everything out myself because He seems to be M.I.A a lot of the time. It’s only when I look back over events that I can see His hand in everything; He’s somewhere in the background, directing everything.

Lately however He has been answering our needs in very specific detail. From my job to the exact amount of money we needed for Wills new camera. We have not even been specifically praying for these things; we have only been talking to each other, discussing what would be nice to have or what we need to do eventually. It has become incredibly evident to me that He does listen to us, even to our thoughts and everyday conversations. He cares about us and every detail of our lives. I don’t know what’s coming; I don’t know what the next step in the plan is, but I do know that He is there and that this is the most exciting journey we can go on, trusting that whatever happens He will be there no matter what. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but He does.

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