Monday 2 May 2011

I don't sound like a New Zealander...... it confuses me that 80% of the people I meet ask if I come from New Zealand. You can ask any of the New Zealanders I work with, we don’t sound the same. This is the first time I’ve even left my country, so it amazes me that I have magically picked up this new accent. But this is not the oddest part of these conversations I so frequently have here…..
“So are you from …..(dramatic pause as they try to pick the correct country)…..New Zealand?”
ME: “No I’m from South Africa.”
“Oh Wow! (Another pause) I have a friend that went to South Africa.”
It is at this point that I’m not sure how to respond. Should I phone this friend and carry on the conversation with them instead? We would apparently have a lot more to talk about.
“That’s nice,” I say. “Did they enjoy it?”
“I think so.” And then they conclude, “You really don’t have a South African accent.”
And as I change the subject I can’t help but wonder how they are so certain if they haven’t actually ever been.


  1. LOL!! Classic one my girl;)

  2. You should keep it on the same subject and ask them how they can be so sure without having been to SA themselves... put them on the defensive for once...


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