Sunday 22 May 2011

A walk in the Park

I woke up feeling a little blue the other day. There is a point when the honeymoon phase of living in a new country disappears. We begin to get up at the same time, take the same route to work every day and the familiarity of routine becomes mundane. So my husband and I decided to go for a walk in the park. We went through Green Park and then found a spot under a tree in St James’ Park. We brought our books and I brought my notebook to do some writing; and enjoyed watching all the people pass me by. It was at this point that I felt a cup of take-away coffee would complete this movie like scene. I suggested this to my husband. There was a café close by.
“Would you like me to go get you some?” he asked.
“I bet it’ll be too expensive. Don’t worry.”
“Are you sure, I can go get you some?”
“No it’s fine.” I decided it was an unnecessary expense as coffee always smells better than it tastes and I often prefer the thought of a cup of coffee than the actual drink itself. I blame television for this.
After enough time had elapsed for my husband to get completely immersed in his book again I said, “Maybe you could just go see how much it costs.”
Have I mentioned he is a very patient man?
He called me from the café to let me know his coffee pricing discoveries.
“You really shouldn’t call me like this,” I said. “I’m here with my husband. He might catch me talking to you.” He laughed. He had to; it’s in the marriage contract. We like to play silly games.
I was right; the coffee was a little over priced - on account of all the tourists I should imagine. He returned empty handed and we continued reading and people watching. I decided to make myself some coffee when we got home.
We ended the day eating pies on the stairs of Trafalgar Square with Big Ben in front of me (my most favourite London landmark).  I had one of the many moments I have here where I can’t actually believe I’m in London; and I was reminded why we moved here. Going to work the next day I wasn’t feeling so blue anymore.
We took our camera with to the park and took some pictures. Here’s what we saw…..

How cute are these chairs. I thought they looked like a scene from the 1930's or something. You did have to pay to sit on them though.  

We went to have a cuppa with the Queen but she wasn't in. Oh well, maybe next time...

Yeah baby!!!!!!!

This little squirrel was super friendly, although he was being coaxed with food. 

Some boys fetched a ball out the water and were drying their socks. I thought it made a cute shot....
All in all a very good day.

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