Sunday 1 May 2011

A Royal Affair

Well the Royal wedding has come and gone, and what a beautiful occasion it was. From the moment it was announced in November I couldn’t believe I would be in the country to witness such an historical event! I will admit that I love the royal family and don't understand those people who aren't as equally intrigued as I am. I find the Monarchy a wonderful tradition full of history, pomp and ceremony!
It was fantastic to watch the build up to the wedding the week before. Every talk show was discussing the same subject and everyone seemed to be giddy with anticipation - though whether this was due to the upcoming wedding or the numerous bank holidays I am not entirely sure. It may have been the holidays.
But nevertheless everyone in the country was in a party mood and had a fantastic day, even the crazies who had camped out on the street for a week!! (There were certainly some interesting sites on the streets of London.)
I didn't get the chance to venture to Westminster as a) being so short I would have probably enjoyed the view of the persons head in front of me for the entire event, and b) some of us had to work you know........
But my dear and slightly insane hubby did take a trip down and took some nice shots!
The crowds

This doggy has amazing balance! He was being pushed around on the bike like this all through the crowd. 

Isn't she cute. Her parents were selling flags on the street and she had obviously had enough!

"William and Kate"

More people on the streets of London

And this morning we went down to get the Sunday paper with a free magazine included inside with all the pics and articles about the wedding! (It is at this point that I must add that I felt quite grown up doing this. When I was younger I would often daydream about being married; and it would often include dreaming about getting the paper on a Sunday morning, lying in bed and perusing the pages. Although I must admit that this is probably the one and only time we will ever buy the newspaper.)

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