Wednesday 25 May 2011

My Champion

It may be a bit clichéd, but I do believe there is a little part inside a man –probably left over from when men were warriors and would go to battle over land- that needs to find where he’s going without stopping to ask for directions. I think they need to figure it out for themselves and show their ladies that they can figure out how to get to the location, or fix the computer, or assemble the chest of drawers without any outside assistance. Girls are different. We’re not bothered who aids us, as long as we get there, or the drawers get built.

But men are conquerors, it’s in their genetic makeup; seeping through the centuries from the days when conflicts were fought and conquests were common place.

But for the average middle class male there is no battle, there are no conquests. There is only the exhilaration of programming the T.V without reading the instructions.

As a supportive wife I will follow proudly as my husband refuses to ask for directions; and we will eventually get there in the end. But sometimes I just want to go into the store, find the section with the duvet sets and get out of there. And as my husband strides down the aisle in search of the bounty; I will slip off to the side to find a shop assistant to help me. And once I have subtly led him to our destination, I will not argue when he thinks he has found it himself. What use are shop assistants anyway!

We will leave the store triumphant, my husband clutching the prize, content in his victory.

Another day, another battle won……

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