Tuesday 3 May 2011

Feeling Sexy No Matter What

When I first heard of the show ‘How to Look Good Naked’ I thought it was one of ‘those’ shows that my brothers’ would have watched and I never thought of seeing what it was all about.

I only saw it for the first time a few months ago and I became an instant fan. Gok Wan is an inspiration! What I love about him is the way he shows women how to really love what God gave them, no matter what shape or size they happen to be. He never once suggests diets or surgery but just to embrace what assets they have and flaunt it.
I don’t know about you, but I had no clue as to what my body shape was and was always buying the latest trends whether it suited my body or not. It looked great on the models and I hoped it would look great on me too. But the model didn’t have big boobs, round hips and a flat bottom. But I do!
Now that I know my shape and what clothes to avoid I can look in the mirror with a little more confidence than before. If you don’t know what body shape you are check it out here.
It’s time to embrace our bodies ‘flaws’ and all and love what God gave you, because it’s ALL beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right. Your brother does watch it!;)


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